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Stoughton June 8th 1947
Dear Doris
I guess you are worried over Doris not coming down home any sooner but she made up her mind to a longer visit with her friend in New York regardless of your wants so thats the way things turned out. she will be with you soon now and hope all your anxieties will be over. Friday here was a terrible hot day temp in the 85° then at night a thunder shower came up & it poured here but there was a continued flash of lightning around us but not very near. we were terrible warm till around midnight when the wind changed to the North West & its been cold ever since this morning early it was 40° & still so cold in the house. I am wearing my bath robe & sitting in the kitchen near the kitchen fire. this afternoon we will build a fire in the little stove & burn cinders. its cold enough to turn on the hear but to save oil we can burn cinders in the little stove & keep the rooms warm.