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For the last few days we are having cool weather Thursday it went up to 90 degrees then the wind changed and the weather went down 40 degrees over night & its been cool ever since. I was cold all day today till I ironed her clothes that warmed me up. it is clouding up now & looks like another storm.   Mrs Barry has just come home. She has been over to see Cora Brock. She is at the Restroom but is going home tomorrow to have a woman come there to take care of her to do the work. No body stays with her long. No one comes to see her, its a pity she has to live.

We had fish yesterday and lamb today for our dinner and fish chowder for supper. Doris has a very good appetite and is fond of fish and raspberry jell also apple pie and chocolate layer cake. 

I think Edith, Winnies daughter, is going to move since her father was brought home, the house is to small for her and the husband has bought a place to move into. He is a very good man and does lots for his young family.  Young Edith is lazy and selfish.  She has two very nice children and they are very fond of Richard. He has a good disposition also. Now is guess there is nothing more to tell you. I hope you are all right and gave Irma a big bunch of my lillies of the valley. I picked one for the lot, also lilacs and forcithias, plenty to decorate the grave.
Love Ma