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Stoughton May 18th, 1947

Dear Doris

A warm & rainy Sunday 50ยบ outside. we have just begun to take ice so our milk & fish wont spoil. we got both fish & a roast of veal & baked a small pot of beans thinking Doris might come out this weekend, but she didnt [[didn't]] appear. we put up our card for some ice but as he hadn't been used to calling when he came over to the Gowards, he didnt [[didn't]] look up our way to see the card, so we called up the house & told the Drakes so after he got home she told him. we had given up his coming & after 9 O'clock he came with the ice. I had just gone up to undress for bed. then before I had been in bed long, the front door bell rung & we had callers it was big brother Tom Ballantine and a girl who works with him up to that estate in Milton. he the man who owns it is a multimillionair [[multimillionaire]] he has a lot of servants two cooks, three waiters. 6 chambermaids & this Tom Ballantine is the overseer of the estate. his job is very light & the girl he brought with him has a light job of something & he may marry her. he was puzzled over some thing so came to see Mrs Barry to help him out which she did. the same as she did before when he was here the last time. he stayed an hour & then was going to take the girl home. after he left this house.