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Stoughton May 17th 1947

Dear Doris

We are having warmer weather after our frosty spells of three days the wind got NorthWest which made it freezing weather then today the wind got SouthWest so now its warmer today.  Its more seasonable feeling weather. I have been taking up my stove to keep warm the last two nights and its warmed me up. to night there wont be any need of it.  the little stove wont have to be lighted either.  We had to call up Linder Soph to fix our toilet.  he has just got it done the ball wasnt [[wasn't]] working. it wore out but now its all right. and we can turn off the contents after using the bowl. Bill fixed it the best he could when it turned so hard but told us then it wouldn't last long, as the ball was worn.  he came up right away after we telephoned & tended to it, which we were glad.  I payed him $4.50 for the job.  now things go easy up there & it seems good.

We dont expect Doris out this week end as I think she is too busy & she may go to the dance as you say.  she has to have some enjoyment in life