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Between 3 & 4 Oclock the sun came out. now it is cleared it seems good. grown a little warmer out side. I have just been asleep in the kitchen the sun woke me up I couldn't believe it was the sun for it had been so long since I had seen it perhaps now it will seem like spring.

Stoughton May 5th 1947

Dear Doris

The storm still continues we have had it for most a week it began with that thunderstorm & its still cold around 40° everything is growing green from its effects. my lawn may need cutting soon.

We have fowl & summer squash for our Sunday dinner & squash pie for desert (canned squashs) I have just prepared my little stove for a fire so to keep the house warm during the last part of the day. I have been hunting for the pattern to cut that pajama, when you send the dormer flannel. Doris didnt [[didn't]] come out this weekend, she wrote to tell us not to expect her, as she was cramming on the busy time for her studies the last of the term must be pretty hard from now out.

I am expecting Mrs Barry home now any time she will continue to sing in the choir till the first of her vacation & then intends to leave it. they are very fond of their new minister (Killpatrick) I believe is his name. she will bring home a dozen of eggs Laura will bring them when she comes to church.