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Stoughton May 2nd 1947 

Dear Doris 

Its a stormy day after two sunny days the wind came up yesterday & brought on a heavy rain with thunder & lightning during the night which woke me up out of a sound sleep & poured most of the time till day break, so today it does not storm but its cloudy. 

This is chicataubut day, she has gone with Laura, so being here alone, I will write a letter to you. a complete change in the weather since yesterday. I am in the front chamber trying to write you a few lines but its rather cool to what we will having yesterday the terometer [[thermometer]] went up to most 65° on the porch. this morning it was 56° & its grown steadily colder. by tonight a fire in the little stove will be needed. 

We had the remains of a porkroast with baked potatoes & some delicious canned corn, & (butter scotch custard, my favorite pudding) a very good dinner it was I can see things a growing green since so many rains our Italian neighbors washed yesterday their clothes must