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Bill Schillins came here Sunday night & was pleased to find me up & sat with them half an hour, before going out so to visit him a little. he always asks if I have gone to bed. but the days are so long I am only to glad to go around 8 O'clock. dont the bed seem good. theres one good thing I always keep well unless I have one of my merrows nights. Bill saved up some wood awhile here. so she could kindle her fire in the morning. he is very good to so such things. Her cousin Charles Hawkins who lives in Worcester while down in Florida, sent he a very large box of oranges & the same he sent to each one of her two sisters. his mother in law has just died, she was a very rich women & he is to settle her estate also gets most of her money. he is a multi millionaire has lots of servants and a beautiful estate. his wife died of cancer. 

Henry Ford has just died you saw by the paper. he made all his money & died the richest man in the United States. also had a well and easy death. I saw Lizzy Cagleo she was Eldon Holmes sister death in the last nights enterprise. I am glad you had a chance to go with Helen for a ride. I hope amy comes north to see her family. too bad she has such a hard lot. her disposition was given her to get through life with so much trouble I presume. always full of fun like father Ma