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Stoughton April 3rd 1947

Dear Doris

I got your card yesterday telling of your safe arrival in the Carolinas & was glad to hear of your putting up in your old place. I hope you all enjoyed the brief outing & didnt have our rainy spell, or our snow storm. I woke up this morning to find the ground & the trees covered with a white coating & and freezing temperature but in todays sunshine, it is fast disappearing. it poured all day yesterday in showers & during the night grew cold also very windy. So this morning the temperature was around 30° & very slippery when one ventured out that is the worst part of snow it makes bad going.

I managed to finish the night in yesterday being a rainy day it was something to occupy my mind. She went down to the beauty parlor & today is Chicataubut meeting, while she was gone Ned Standish wife called on the telephone to say she would save one of the White Dales books two days so we could have it to read. She is one of the women in the library I am reading one all ready & so she will save this last one for me also, which was was very nice of her I thought. She said neither her mother or Nellie Standish could read books the last of the lines. I think the more