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Stoughton March 11th 1947
Dear Doris
We are still having mild weather & good going. it seems good to have bare ground. a few light snow flurries which melt as soon as the sun comes out. my lilacs are budded & snow drops in bloom.
The cot bed was sent off late Tuesday afternoon. I hope it was the right one. I knew nothing about it untill [[until]] it was all done up & brought down stairs. I told to send it off by railway express. Doris had a chance to ride with Charleys folks. they came Sunday afternoon & took her as far as Medford back & then she took the bus the rest of the way in. they hadn't been to Stoughton before for a long time. we were pleased to see them. I think his second wife is more congenial to him than the first one. one thing she is not so much for having him go to church. she is more for his going & doing as he pleases. he likes the monies. you can see by his manner he feels much better. they seem more in love with each other. Gladys doesn't get along with them