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Stoughton March 5th 1947

Dear Doris

After two days of cloudy weather it does seem good to see the sun. our snow is fast going. we had more rain than snow this time but blew a gale night and day tomorrow I am going to empty my ashes. I had to sift them in the back room. The back yard was covered with so much snow but now its clear. 

Doris was out this week end the first time she hasn't been able to dry her clothes. she hung them out and managed to dry one sheet by the kitchen stove. the rest I brought in and put them on the Porch. lucky I did that for that night the wind blew a gale and they would have been blown to pieces before morning. it also was windy all day yesterday, but the wind subsided during the night and today its much better, so we have done our washing. and the clothes dry, on the line very soon. we have had lots of windy weather all winter and more ice so far than snow. now as you say hope we have an early spring. we have heard robins, some grackles flew over not long ago. 

Florence Hickey called her up on the phone this morning she said lots of folks have been there to see her, that liked her husband and she didn't know one was Bobbi Swan another Ms Avery Gates the Universalist