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sorry I did I never slept all night but made it up the next night.  I had some very nice birthday presents the Brides sisters, sent me one of the prettiest hot house plants full of buds + dark red blossoms.  I didn't know its name the flower looked like a rose.  then Myrtle Gilcher came & brought me a large coffee cake.  Myrtie a lovely sponge cake, + Irma a large bottle of hard candy, Mrs Barry candy, Laura one doz of eggs very fresh + large & I feel that I was well remembered with all the lovely cards I received + all the work Bill did for me he said he would do it & call it my birthday present. he fixed my bathroom so the water in the bowl could be turned off easier.  glued my furniture, fixed + cleaned out the stove.  put a longer wire into the electric clock [[strikethrough]] light [[/strikethrough]], so no one would run to it + nock it off the shelf.  besides all the presents you made me.  people are very good to me much better than ever I deserve. & I feel truly grateful.

I am sending some clippings I cut out of the paper Albert Hickeys death seemed very sudden she was the one who was ailing,  but he went first.  she will have hard work to keep going I fear, as she is not able to work.  Dr. Erving they say looks terrible.  he dont know how he stays alive.  he should take the same dose he gave Pa, guess that would fix him.  well.  I feel this is all there is this time so will close.  love Ma