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Stoughton February 9th 1947

Dear Doris

My Birthday early in the morning & find a very cold day 29ยบ above at 9 o' clock & sunny the ground base. Myrtie came at half past 3 o' clock in a taxi cab yesterday afternoon & she brought me a nice lovely baked cake. I put two oranges into her bag to carry back & knew Mrs. Barry had enough her cousin sent her without these two that were left that we got at the store before we knew she was going to receive these others. Then Irma Wayland came after she got home from her work. She brought me a very large bottle of nice candy & Mrs. Barry a box of candy she ordered in Boston. Much as often than Irmas. your Doris sent me a birthday card & I received a great many more from others & shall get more today, probably. Bill came to fix my clock last night after I had gone to bed. He fixed it up better than we had it, bought a longer electric wire now there is no danger knocking it down. Before we had to