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go under it now we dont. he understands then he has two clocks at home and understands electricity if anyone does. we dont know what we should do without Bill. The mailman has just come and the floor is covered with cards I guess about twenty in all so you see I am well remembered. Blanche Hammond came and stayed till long after 9 o'clock last night. I went off to bed and left her here. she likes over there at the hospital. says Maude is good dispositioned but terribly lazy and dirty. a great care care to keep her clean. they have stopped up the gateway so now you have to through the field or around the roadway. I had a nice card from Joe Capen and must call him up and thank him for it. he has a friend of his wife meeting him we hear hope he sees fit to marry her as he is dreaming of a happy home. They say that Frank Reynolds is a far different man since he got out from his mothers thumb. she was although too religious to get along well with. Norma Laynie and he have free sway. lots of talk about them. her husband works nights they go off together and guess he likes it. she likes his money dresses and pays $60. for a coat. I never could face that girl. she always was making up to him. her three little children would be enough to make her go straight. he is in love with her pity she haddnt married him. love Ma