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he is a multimillionaire they live in  Worchester & their mothers were sisters.  he was here last summer visiting. & she visited him in her vacation.

We are going to have some corned beef over the weekend with cabbage & turnip & carrots. we have got a little half pint of oysters & baked beans. she will bake tomorrow. I guess a few prunes for Doris to eat on cereal we dont care for prunes.

Frank Reynolds seems very different since his mother died. I guess the care on him was very great. he stands on his feet more now guess its done him good. she was good but very narrow. I hope he will see some girl he will like & marry. so to take comfort & live a natural life.

Dora O'Harea came here with a friend of hers to have their fortunes told. they were greatly pleased with what Mrs Barry told them. things they were very anxious to hear about. its funny how she can do these things. they brought her a bottle of wine which she was much pleased to receive.

Doris has done her weekly wash. but this morning its foggy after the rain of last night this is the first stormy week end she has been able to dry her clothes.  love Ma