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I got a card from Doris saying she wouldnt be out this Saturday. she was going to a dance. I am sending along her card. the last thing I told her as she went back last Sunday night, she was going to a dance with that same fellow that night "Be good". that is what she means in the card she wrote. I guess she can be trusted all right. glad she isn't here to do her washing as the clothes would freeze stiff on the line & not dry easily. so far she has had very good weather for her washings.       I hope you don't have this cold  snap of freezing weather down there as your house is not meant for freezing cold days. I worry about your not being able to keep warm & Sidney with his cough having to stay & live there hope it didn't reach down as far as Washington this time. We thought Doris was coming this week end & so gave our order for groceries just before we got her card, so we no need to have ordered so much, but we got corned beef. but that will keep till next week end, our lamb will last us over the coming week. the only thing will be sweet potatoes, but they wont be likely to last long & we can eat those. our other vegetables will keep over another week all right. she is not going to church to day. she is going to rest up, as she don't sleep when the wind blows a gale all night, as it did last night. neither do I. shall be glad when it stops.

Love Ma

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