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Charlies wife. I can not make it seem right that she died. we have not seen any of her family for a long while. Gladys seems contended living with her friend, & Charly is happier with this wife we think, than he ever was with with the first even if the family are not. he works at his trade days, instead of nights, as he used to.

Cora Brock is over at the Rest Rooms on Plasant [[Pleasant]] St & seems quite contended. she sits in one of the front rooms and watches the traffic & is sharing her room with two other invalids in that way she has her room cheaper. Lillie Dutton is in that same hospital. she has a day nurse & a night nurse & furnishes her own room. its a very neat hospital. Mrs Barry went over Thursday, to see Cora Brock & it pleased her very much. none of her old relation go near her. Well the sun is out bright & I guess it will be a pleasant day
I hope you are having it as nice down there. glad the snow stays off & the grounds bare. Love Ma