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is so clumsy on her feet and has never got once her fall of last winter.

Mary Laython is partially loving her mind she imagines she sees things and thinks she hears voices and hides up. She worries because they have to pay so much money to their household but her son likes her she is always singing and whistling. She don like to hear her whistle. She gets awful good pay but very little work. Nowadays girls have to be payed big wages and don't do but little.

 I suppose now Doris is back at the College and you are alone and miss her. I know how you feel and she is so far away. It was the same with me when you were married and went away so far from your home. Your picture is a great comfort to me as I sit there alone so much, I feel you are near me. Of all my xmas presents I like the picture the nest so good and natural of both of you.

Mrs. Silver is just going to her car. They have gone off to ride. I wish you could have seen her walk. She was so careful that shows how slippery the walking is. Well I have just had my dinner, fried fish and potatoes and canned peas and brown bread. For dessert my favorite pudding, butterscotch. Well theres nothing more to tell so will go down and make up the fire in the little stove and keep one downstairs rooms warm Love Ma.