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Stoughton Nov 16th 1947

Dear Doris
       The sun is just shining out cloudy
early this morning & a little warmer. Temperature in
the 40ies all day yesterday & radio said rain & snow
today or night. still snow on the ground from our
last weeks storm.
       Well your bed stead came yester
day in good condition. it seemed too bad to have it
bent over in the barn. the ones who bought it said
it would bring a good many hundreds of dollars.
they thought we were buying it for $25.8 until 
Mrs. Barry told them that your father was the one
who gave it to Mort Land and you wanted it 
back naturally. "Oh well that alters the case" they
said. I think it should be covered ok so to protect
it from the dampness. I went over to the farm after
they brought it there, to see if it was all right.
it looked much better than I expected it to. so 
perhaps we can carry over some cloth to cover up the 
shiny part, its pretty damp over in the farm through
the winter time.        Myrtic called up on the home
yesterday she told us that Gladys went up to visit
their folkds in Vermont. she stayed over the weekend
through Arwistice holiday she always liked Vermont