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Stoughton May 29th 1949

Dear Doris,

A very pleasant Sunday and not very cold around 50° when I first looked this morning at 9 O clock the sun will warm us up during the day.  We are now waiting for the paper boy he is awful late now he may not come.  She puts out her money the night before between the outside door and the screen as she is not going to church today will miss it.  her side is bothering her awfully and she cant sleep nights it is so painful & hopes she wont have to give up.  its hard for her to bring up the coal from down cellar.  its her hip & whole left side she has tried everything.  I wish we could burn oil in our kitchen stove the Drakes had their stove fixed after their father died.  Hazel had it turned before they burned coal & now they like it much better.  I cant go out to sift my ashes & pick over the cinders without holding on to the door, especially in winter weather. & now those darn termites have got into the wood we cant bring it into the house, & cut a little at a time & heat it on the stove, so they wont get into the house & eat the wood it seems theres always something to worry about.

Yesterday Ralph came & stayed to dinner he is the one who used to be janitor to the Episcopal church he lived in Stoughton he has no palate.  I cannot understand half he is talking about.  he was here Thursday the day she