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She seemed sorry she was gone so were we, then I had never met her.

It has cleared off and its much colder this afternoon. I still sleep between wolen sheets we have such changeable weather its not safe to change into cotton ones. Mrs Barry has changed hers but the weather changed so that first night after she changed cotton ones, it was cold so she had to take up her hot water bottle I guess she takes it up every nigh now. She has made her resignations & is going to start the 6th of August after she got word from you.

Its too bad Doris is so uncertain what she will do her vacation it mixes you up so much. Theres a man just called to spray trees he says those termites could be destroyed by spraying. I told him to call again & we would decide about it then that is a good idea dont you think? or we may turn our stove into oil baking instead wood and coal he said a good idea.

Love Ma.