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Stoughton May 1st 1949 

Dear Doris 

This is a nice sunny day the thermometers was up to 70° early this morning although the predictions for to day in all the papers was showery it couldn't be nicer. so you see they dont always hit it. theres not a cloud in the sky. 

We got up late this morning. she was not going to church so had a chance to sleep. we are not making a fire up in the kitchen stove depend on the elecric [[electric]] stove to get dinner. by the way Mrs Calder said we might have that little stove. she didnt need it. so its a great help to us in the morning especially when we get breakfast. we are going to warm up our remains for dinner on it of a fish chowder we had it yesterday. it tasted much better than meat to me meat I dont care for these days. we have just begun to take ice. this kind of weather we need it.

The little apple tree out back of our house is full of leaves & blossoms I drove a boy out of it yesterday he had climed & was jumping up  & down on one of the limbs. I told him if he dared get up there again I would spank him. go over on your own land. he made up a face and departed the little devil. I also drove off a few little boys out of the woods in back of the house a few days ago & told them this land is private property they like to climb trees.