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It is so pleasant I thought it was a good day to dry my clothes so have done my weekly wash I hope May will be a sunny month as every thing is coming forward so rapidly now. the redwood tree is looking nice and full of blossoms. my lilacs are swelling full of buds. also the dog wood tree will be in bloom in another week.

The Pupello family think they have a man who  will buy their house. she has been cleaning up her yard burning leaves in the incinerator. its a pity that house ever had been built. it is too near this one. they are not bad neighbors. she hates the place & cant get out, never wanted to live there or see this town again.

My clothes are all dry in a few hours we have had company since noon Gladys came & stayed to dinner so we had to get up a big dinner for her meatballs and peas & a pudding. (apple butter) our electricity has gone off again so we had to call up Brockton to come over to fix it no heat just as we had got our dinner cooked, no light, no time, electere [[electric]] clock, no radio.

Well you were surprised to get Doris performance in relation to the orchester [[orchestra]] she took part in with other members in the consert, too bad he is to retire Koussevitsky is too old to be in there longer 75 years a wonderfull musician. no one any better.

Well this is all so I will go down to my company

love Ma