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& will try to have them come again they took to her she is lively. 

Laura has been having a bad cold but is better now. she said my daffies came to her in the right time when she could look at them as she layed in bed.

We have just begun to take ice Saturday was so warm, we though things wouldn't keep without it. yesterday we had toasted bread soaked in liquid covered with a little sugar to use it before it got mouldy so to save the bread. I liked it much better than meat with my tea it toasted all right. 

I suppose Amy will make her home down in Florida since she bought the little house & Nathen will live there also. Amy is still young she may marry her husband didn't live long. 

We have lots of cloudy weather then our showers & of short duration a good many of them come during the night. this month is most gone. 

They are going to put up the Congregational church on the Old Swan lot. I am sorry they didn't build it on the old lot where it used to stand, that sure was the place for it. 

They say that Jenny Dimmock has gone crazy, her mother before her was, they will have to send her away it is feared. four arrow plaines [[airplanes]] have just gone over head, they make lots of noise. I never wanted to go up in one, it must be a great sensation. well this is all I think of now Ma.  no Doris this week end she is probably having great times with boys. I hope she gets the right one at last.