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The paper boy didn't come early to day with our sunday Post so she was going to get it down town when she went to meeting she got off the car on Freeman Street & walked. say do you know the streets were all slush the water was over her shoes in places. they had to stop traffic to let her cross the Street both going and coming back. going is terrible right in the square so I guess our snow will go if these days last. the last nights paper said this was our last snow storm of the season I dont know who knows but hope it will be. the little dog is out running throug the snow he dont mind cold snowy going. 

Well we have just been to dinner. we had fried fish, string beans & cut up potatoes & apple pie for our desert. some how I dont feel a bit hungry for my food these days. the only thing that tastes good is my tea. I dread eating my dinner most of all. guess I could live on indian meal. my mother did the last weeks of her life.  I hope by now you & Sidney are over your snuffles. lots of people are having colds & I dont wonder the weather is so changeable.
Well this is all there is to write I will go down stairs & make the fire in the little stove & read my paper. Ma. its most time to warm up the sitting room after the sun gets low.