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Stoughton February 20th 1949

Dear Doris.

A great change in the weather since yesterday around 35[[degrees]] early this morning saturday it went up to 60[[degrees]] a very sunny pleasant birthday just enough to make it pleasant. first one who came was Laura she brought me two bottles of lovely apple juice which she knew I liked, as she had given it to me before. she couldn't stay long as she had to drive to Boston after her husband Bill. Then Bertha Longdon came she stayed all the afternoon till six Oclock. She brought me a box of writing paper & a pretty card. Then after a long time Myrtle Gilcher came in, while I was lieing down in kitchen. I enjoyed her the most of any of them. she had her usual coffee cake she always brings twice a year. we had her sit right down to the table where the refreshment were & eat. Sandwitches, cookies & little fruit cakes tea & before we got at the repast Mrs Lambert came, she brought some peach marmalade & a nice card she had been to Brockton so was rather late. she sat down to eat with us then & stayed till most dark as she had to go home to get her husbands supper. then they all left. The Brides Sisters sent over a big flower pot of yellow tulips, they always remember me & are very loyal, as they know their brother thought a great deal about me. Myrtle said we had a beautiful luncheon. she wanted to know who lived in the next house where the Ballantines lived. Addie has called up twice to have Mrs Barry come there to spend the day with them one day Mr B was