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Pete & a neighbor to the movies. it was his birthday not so long ago he has lived longer than most of the idiots but they have taken lots of paines to teach him.

Gertrude & Addie Ballantine called to see us a week ago. they seem very happy in their new home. & their brother Tom visits them frequently & seems very sorry he wrote them such a letter & says he dont know why he did such a thing. 

Its so pleasant and sunny today Gladys may come to call on us later on, or Charleys folks. the Streets are so bare girls are riding by on their bicicles. real spring like weather. my dome in the front chamber is very warm and pleasant. ice in the street is melting Doris is no doubt getting through with her studies she had to lose while she was working trying to earn a little money. it has been a long time since she has been out to see us. Thanksgiving day. I am glad you & Sidney are better. hope you are more careful in the future. too bad his car bothers so much. I have strung along on nothing long enough, so will draw the letter to a close & go down to read the paper & make my fire in the little stove, for the house is getting cool. sun is clouding in & looks like rain.  love Ma.