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great relief to her. she will probably leave her money to Tom the nephew. I was surprised to hear Mrs Ring had turned against them. neither the Toomeys or many of the neighbors care for them. The Pupelloes are still living here, guess they find it impossible to sell the house. we could have much worse neighbors. one thing about them they mind their own business.

The little dog was pretty busy running up & down the paths that had been made & leaping out of the snow banks. he is a very active animal. he doesn't chase autoes at all now. Sparkie was a fighter. we wasn't afraid of any dog but this one you never see him pitch into any dog he is very friendly with all the dogs that go up into his yard.

I hope Doris has gotten over her dissintery so she can enjoy all the good things you prepare for her to eat for xmas. We shall go slow on our eating things last too long for us. our thanksgiving fowl we got terrible sick of before it was eaten. as I grow along in years I dont crave meat. I must put this letter in as its almost time the Postman came again with xmas cards.

love Ma.