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Stoughton Nov 9th 1948

Dear Doris

This is a sunny & not cold day I have washed out a few thing so while I am waiting for them to dry before ironing them I will write you a few lines.

Mrs Barry left me some tomato for my dinner. she knows that suits me better than meat any time & has gone to a party over to Caretas. Laura took her over Phoebie Hill was going but she expected her husbands aunt, so had to give it up they got a woman in her place that will make up the fourth one & will get back home around six O'clock

I expected a rainy day from the looks of the clouds last night but guess the little moon kept it off. I dont go over to see where those other trees were set out but they were all put on the side near the Trollops & this rain we have just had must have been a great benefit also the warm days we have just experienced dont you think?

The little children are just going off to school I see them as the front chamber where I sit lits me see every thing thats passing. the little dog comes over here as soon as they let him out.