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[[Obverse Text]]
壹 / 壹 / 察哈爾財政廳定期有利金庫券 . 十二月三十一日到期 / 民國十三年十二月三十一日到期 / 通用現銀元 / 0059404 / 0059404 / 壹圓 / 壹圓 / 壹圓 / 民國十三年五月一日發行 / 九月一日發行 / 財政部印刷局製 / 壹 / 壹

YI / YI / CHA / HA / ER / CAI / ZHENG / TING / DING / QI / YOU / LI / JIN / KU / QUAN / SHI / ER / YUE / SAN / SHI / YI / RI / DAO / QI / MIN / GUO / SHI / SAN / NIAN / SHI / ER / YUE / SAN / SHI / YI / RI / DAO / QI / TONG / YONG / XIAN / YIN / YUAN / 0059404 / 0059404 / YI / YUAN / YI / YUAN / YI / YUAN / MING / GUO / SHI / SAN / NIAN / WU / YUE / YI / RI / FA / XING / JIU / YUE / YI / RI / FA / XING / CAI / ZHENG / BU / YIN / SHUA / JU / ZHI / YI / YI

one / one / Charhar Department of Finance fixed term treasury bill / expire on Dec. 31 / expire on Republic of China year 13 Dec. 31 / interchangeable with currency / 0059404 / 0059404 / one yuan / one yuan / one yuan / issued on Republic of China year 13 May. 1 / issued on Sep. 1 / manufactured by the Department of Finance printing bureau / one / one

[[Reverse Text]]
1 / 1 / 定期有利金庫券章程 / 一本區為補助金融起見發行短期有利金庫券 / 二此項庫券定額洋二十萬元其應付本息以民國十三年份全區粮賦收額三分之一爲擔保 / 三此項庫券分十元五元一元三種 / 四此項庫券给予年息八釐 / 五此項庫券自發行之日起八個月後兑現由本區各縣局行政公署支付本息 / 六此項庫券到期後得以繳納全區粮賦捐税及領荒地價 / 七此項庫券爲不記明證券如有遗失燬滅概不掛失 / 中華民國十三年五月一日 / 察哈爾財政廳長 / 察哈爾財政廳長 / 察哈爾財政廳之印 / 1 / 1 / 75.3.001

1 / 1 / DING / QI / YOU / LI / JIN / KU / QUAN / ZHANG / CHENG / YI / BEN / QU / WEI / BU / ZHU / JIN / RONG / QI / JIAN / FA / XING / DUAN / QI / YOU / LI / JIN / KU / QUAN / ER / CI / XIANG / KU / QUAN / DING / E / YANG / ER / SHI / WAN / YUAN / QI / YING / FU / BEN / XI / YI / MIN / GUO / SHI / SAN / NIAN / QUAN / QU / LIANG / FU / SHOU / E / SAN / FEN / ZHI / YI / WEI / DAN / BAO / SAN / CI / XIANG / KU / QUAN / FEN / SHI / YUAN / WU / YUAN / YI / YUAN / SAN / ZHONG / CI / XIANG / KU / QUAN / JI / YU / NIAN / XI / BA / LI / WU / CI / XIANG / KU / QUAN / ZI / FA / XING / ZHI / RI / QI / BA / GE / YUE / HOU / DUI / XIAN / YOU / BEN / QU / GE / XIAN / JU / XING / ZHENG / GONG / SHU / ZHI / FU / BEN / XI / LIU / CI / XIANG / KU / QUAN / DAO / QI / HOU / DE / YI / JIAO / NA / QUAN / QU / LIANG / FU / JUAN / SHUI / JI / LING / HUANG / DI / JIA / QI / CI / XIANG / KU / QUAN / WEI / BU / JI / MING / ZHENG / QUAN / RU / YOU / YI / SHI / HUI / MIE / GAI / BU / GUA / SHI / ZHONG / HUA / MIN / GUO / SHI / SAN / NIAN / WU / YUE / YI / RI / CHA / HA / ER / CAI / ZHENG / TING / ZHANG / CHA / HA / ER / CAI / ZHENG / TING / ZHANG / CHA / HA / ER / CAI / ZHENG / TING / ZHI / YIN / 1 / 1 / 75.3.001

1 / 1 / Instructions for the fixed term treasury bill / 1. the short-term treasury bill is issued to subsidize the local economy / 2. 200,000 yuan of treasury bills are issued, the payment of principle and interest is secured by 1/3 of the food tax collected throughout the region in year 13, Republic of China / 3. this treasury bill has 3 types: ten yuan, five yuan, and one yuan / 4. this treasury bill has an annual interest rate of 0.8% / 5. this treasury bill will mature in eight months since issuance, the principle and interest will be paid in full by the administrative offices in all counties throughout the region / 6. this treasury bill after maturity is eligible to pay for food tax and land purchase throughout the region / 7. this treasury bill is a bearer bond, it will not be replaced if lost or destroyed / May 1, Year 13, Republic of China / Head of the Charhar Department of Finance / Head of the Charhar Department of Finance / seal of the head of the Charhar Department of Finance / 1 / 1 / 75.3.001

Transcription Notes:
[[obverse image]] the repeating background pattern between the central ornaments and outer frames consists of '壹圓' and 'one yuan'. In the center of the round pattern is '壹圓' arranged vertically from top to bottom, the space between the round pattern is also '壹圓' arranged vertically from top to bottom, with 'ONE' in the middle of the two characters. [[reverse image]] there are 2 square seals, the small one on the left says '察哈爾財政廳長' (Head of the Charhar Department of Finance), the characters arranged from top to bottom, then from right to left, in 3 columns, the first column '察哈' (Charha-), the second column '爾財政' (-r finance), the third column '廳長' (head of the department). the large one on thr right says '察哈爾財政廳之印' (seal of the head of the Charhar Department of Finance), the characters arranged from top to bottom, then from right to left, in 4 columns, the first column '察哈' ('Charha-'), the second column '爾財' (-r' and first half of 'finance'), the third column '政廳' (second half of 'finance' and 'department'), the fourth column '之印' (seal of). the repeating background pattern between the central ornaments and outer frames consists of '壹圓' and 'one yuan'. In the center of the round pattern is '壹圓' arranged vertically from top to bottom, the space between the round pattern is also '壹圓' arranged vertically from top to bottom, with 'ONE' in the middle of the two characters.