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[[Obverse Text]]
2 / NoA08165 / 上海中國通商銀行 / 特種存券 / 禮券 / NoA08165 / 2 / 今由來人存到 / 國幣貳圓 / 本息隨時可取 / 按照簡章辦理 / $2 / 中華民國廿九年一月八日 / 2 / COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA SHANGHAI / 2

2 / NoA08165 / Commercial Bank of China Shanghai / special deposit receipt / gift coupon / NoA08165 / 2 / received today / two yuan / available for withdrawal anytime along with interests / deposit and withdraw subject to regulations / $2 / January eighth of year twenty-nine of the Republic of China / 2 / COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA SHANGHAI / 2

[[Reverse Text]]
本表所列三位小數以五去六入歸作二位小數計算 / 特種存款本息表 / 特種存款簡章 / 一 本存款計分六種貳圓圈四圓圈六圈券八圓券拾圓券念圓任存戶選定 / 倘有較大數目存入者本行另備存券照數填發  / 二 此項存款自存入日起存足拾貳個月為滿期過 / 期概不給息 / 三 此項存款自存入日起存滿一足月以上者按照 / 右表付還本息不足月者概不給息 / 四 本存券利息按月單息四厘計算如存起在一個 / 月以上未滿二個月者以一個月算餘類推 / 五 本存券概不記名憑券支取不得掛失 / 六 本存券以本銀行行章及經理或副襄理主任簽 / 章為憑 / 七 此項存款隨時可取如在外埠可託各分支行核 / 兌 / 74.17.512

Transcription Notes:
[[Reverse Text]] The stamp on the reverse side (國民政府印花稅票) is the stamp tax levied on this deposit. The tax amount is 2 cents. [[Reverse Text]] The table on the reverse side is a table of interests earned on this deposit product. The top row is the original amount of deposit. The left most column is the length of deposit period.