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Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to see that the Secretary-Treasurer is properly bonded, in accordance with the provision of Article IV, Section 5, of this Constitution; said committee shall also make an audit of the financial records of the Union in May and November of each year, and at such other times as may be necessary, and submit a written report of their findings at the next regular meeting of the Union following said audit.

Section 5. The Committee on Membership and Credentials, in addition to the duties indicated in Article III. Section 3, and similar matters which may be referred to it for action or report shall assist the presiding officer and the Secretary-Treasurer in conducting elections.

Section 6. In the absence of the President, the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth or Sixth Vice President shall act as Chairman of the Executive Board in the order named.

Section 7. The Executive Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings and the minutes of all Board meetings held in any given month shall be read at the following meeting of the Union.


Section 1. Delegates to the biennial convention of the National Federation of Federal Employees shall be elected by ballot at the regular meeting of the Union in May. Alternates shall be elected at the June meeting.

Section 2. Delegates or representatives to other organizations may be nominated and elected at any meeting of the Union, for such term as the Union may determine.

Election and Installation of Officers.

Section 1. Nominations of members in good standing to serve as officers shall be made at the regular meeting in October.

Section 2. The election and installation of officers shall be held at the regular meeting in November. Candidates receiving a majority of votes cast shall be declared elected for the ensuing term.

Recall and Referendum.

Section 1. Any officer, delegate, or other representative of this Union may be recalled prior to expiration of his term of office, and a referendum on such recall, or upon any question relating to the business of the Union, shall be held upon written request therefor of twenty per cent of its numbers in good standing filed one month in advance. The question or questions so presented shall be determined by a majority of the votes cast on the referendum ballot.
