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[[underline]] PREAMBLE [[/underline]]

With a view to advancing the welfare of maintaining a higher standard of efficiency in the Federal Civil Service, as well as to promoting and safeguarding the interests of the personnel, and to secure the benefits to be derived from group action, we, an organization of employees of the United States, adopt this Constitution.


Section 1. This organization shall be known as Federal Employees' Union No. 780, of Chicago, Illinois, of the National Federation of Federal Employees.

Objects and Methods.

Section 1. The objects of this Union shall be to advance the welfare of its members, to collect and disseminate information pertaining to their employment in the Government Service, to instill a high sense of individual responsibility and to aid in the perfection of systems adapted to promote maximum efficiency in the service.

Section 2. The methods of obtaining those objects shall be by holding meetings to investigate and discuss matters of interest and formulate plans of procedure by creating and fostering public sentiment favorable to needed reforms, by petitioning the Congress, by cooperation with government officials and employees, and by other proper and lawful means; PROVIDED, That under no circumstances shall this Union, nor the members thereof, engage in or support any strike against the United States Government.


Section 1. Any organization of person of Indian or Indian& white ancestory [[strikethrough]] employed in the civil branch [[/strikethrough]] of the United States [[strikethrough]] Government, the District of Columbia, or the insular possessions, [[/strikethrough]] including [[piece torn from paper]] of the U.S. Govt [[torn]] the Indian Bureau [[strikethrough]] departmental and field employees of the Post Office Department and militarized employees of the Lighthouse Division of the United States Coast Guard Service, [[/strikethrough]] is eligible to to become an affiliate organization [[strikethrough]] membership in this Union: PROVIDED, That the constitution and by laws of such organization has had prior approval by the Committee on membership & credentials [[strikethrough]] members separated from the Federal service may retain their membership during the period of such separation. [[/strikethrough]]

Section 2. The applicant of the group for membership if within a reservation shall be recommended by the tribal council [[strikethrough]] a member of this Union in good standing. [[/strikethrough]] All other applications or Questions of eligibility shall be referred for action to the Committee on Membership and Credentials. [[strikethrough]] Every candidate shall have subscribed to the obligation of the National Federation of Federal Employees. [[/strikethrough]]

Section 3. The initiation fee of the affiliate organizations [[strikethrough]] this Union [[/strikethrough]] shall be one dollar, which shall accompany the application for membership. If a proposed organization [[strikethrough]] member [[/strikethrough]] is found ineligible, the initiation fee shall be refunded.

Section 4. The dues of this National organization [[strikethrough]] Union [[/strikethrough]] shall be [[strikethrough]] 50 cents[[/strikethrough]] 100 [[one dollar]] per month from each organization.