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Section 5. Any affiliate organization [[strikethrough]] member [[/strikethrough]] becoming two months in arrears for dues shall be notified of the fact by the Secretary-Treasurer, and group members, who are three months in arrears shall stand suspended from membership in the National organization [[strikethrough]] Union [[/strikethrough]] . A group member so suspended may be reinstated by paying a reinstatement fee of [[strikethrough]] $1.00 [[/strikethrough]], 2.00 together with the amount of dues owing. The terms of reinstatement may be changed in particular cases by a majority vote of the Executive Board. A suspended group member shall not be privileged to participate in the National Movement [[strikethrough]] admission into the meetings [[/strikethrough]] until reinstated.

Section 6. Any group member in good standing, when separated from the [[strikethrough]] Federal [[/strikethrough]] N.I.O service may receive an honorable withdrawal card.

Section 7. Non-Indians [[strikethrough]] Former employees of the Federal Government, retired under the provisions of the Act of Congress of May 22, 1920, or acts amendatory thereto, [[/strikethrough]] are eligible to associate membership [[strikethrough]] in this [[/strikethrough]] in [[ N.I. O?? ]] [[strikethrough]] Union, upon [[/strikethrough]] without obligation for payment of dues [[strikethrough]] to the amount of two dollars ($2.00) per year in advance, one dollar of which shall be paid to the N.F.F.E. [[/strikethrough]] and the number of such members shall be in accordance with the provisions of the [[strikethrough]] National [[/strikethrough]] Constitution and by laws.

Officers and their duties.

Section 1. The officrs of the N.I.O shall consist of President, First Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Vice Presidents, Secretary-Treasurer, and Guardian, who shall be elected [[strikethrough]] annually [[/strikethrough]] blank at the regular meeting in [[strikethrough]] November [[/strikethrough]] blank. Elections to fill vacancies may be held at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for such purpose.

Section 2. The officers shall be elected by ballot through a majority vote of representative [[strikethrough]] members [[/strikethrough]] present at the blank [[strikethrough]] annual [[/strikethrough]] election of the NIO [[strikethrough]] Union [[/strikethrough]]. They shall serve blank [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] year or until their successors are elected and duly qualified. Upon separation from office they shall turn over to their successors or other properly designated officials, all books, money, or other effects of the N.I.O [[strikethrough]] Union [[/strikethrough]] in their possession.

Section 3. The President shall preside at all meetings of the NI.O [[strikethrough]] Union [[/strikethrough]] and of the Executive Board and shall perform such other duties as properly pertain to his office.

Section 4. In the absence of the President, the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, or Sixth Vice President shall preside in the order named.

Section 5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of all proceedings of the NI.O [[strikethrough]] Union [[/strikethrough]] and the Executive Board. He shall receive and report to the (Union) all applications for membership, have charge of the charter and seal, and be Secretary of the Executive Board. He shall receive and keep a record of all moneys paid to the (Union). He shall keep the membership records of the (Union) and notify members of arrearages as provided in Article III, Section 5. He shall render blank [[strikethrough]] monthly [[/strikethrough]] remittance reports to the excutive board [[strikethrough]] National Office [[/strikethrough]] immediately after the close of each blank [[strikethrough]] month [[/strikethrough]]. He shall conduct and keep a record of the corrospondence of the [[strikethrough]] (Union.) [[/strikethrough]] He shall deposit all funds to the credit of the (Union) in such bank or trust company as may be designated by the Executive Board. He shall disburse the funds of the (Union) by check. He shall give bond in the sum of $1,000.00 (covered by National).
