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of the
National Federation of Descendants of First Americans

As adopted by the first Convention held at



With a view to furthering the [[strikethrough]]common [[\strikethrough]]welfare of all Indians of the United States [[crossed out]] and their descendants [[/crossed out]] through cooperation and organization, we, a National Federation of Indians [[crossed out]] formed of such people, [[/crossed out]] adopt this constitution.


Name and Headquarters

Section 1. This organization shall be known as the National Federation of Descendants of First Americans with headquarters at _________. It shall be composed of the affiliates now organized and those which may hereafter be organized in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII, Sections 1 and 2, of this Constitution.


Objects and Methods

Section 1. The objects of this Federation shall be to revive and preserve the best in tribal cultures [[strikethrough]] contributing most toward Indian Welfare and the nation; enlighten the American public toward an [[/strikethrough]] develop a greater understanding and appreciation of Indian life and conditions; [[strikethrough]] study factors and remedy injustices wherever unequal social status of Indians exists in different sections of the United States [[/strikethrough]]; study and [[strikethrough]]minimize pernicious influences and biased concepts prejudicial [[/strikethrough]] seek to remedy or ameliorate discriminations and [[??]] other injustices perpetrated against Indians and the economic and social status of Indians; [[strikethrough]]explore and remedy forces that make for maladjusted Indians [[/strikethrough]]; cooperate with other minorities on the solution of common problems; [[strikethrough]]common meeting grounds in thought and effort between Indians and [[/strikethrough]]and address common problems of other minorities [[strikethrough]] in low social and economic levels; develop and maintain among Indians a solidarity creating a better morale in relation to the public; explore ways this