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Convention and Representation

Section 1. This Federation shall convene biennially on the first Monday in September of each uneven year at such place as may be determined by a majority vote of the delegates in the preceding Convention: Provided, That a referendum vote upon the place at which the Convention shall be held must be instituted not less than six months prior to the Convention.

Section 2. Representation shall be based upon the average per capita tax paid to the [[crossed out]] National [[/crossed out]] Federation for the fiscal year preceding the Convention; Provided That no affiliate shall be entitled to representation in the biennial convention unless all its debts due and owing to the Federation [[crossed out]] per capita tax, bills for excess magazines, and official supplies due the National from said affiliates [[/crossed out]] as of the date June 30th prior to the Convention shall be paid in full, and Provided further, That each delegate shall be required to pay a registration fee of Three Dollars ($3.00), which fee shall accrue to the host organization. The fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.

Section 3. Local affiliates with 100 members or less shall be entitled to one delegate; 101 to 250 members , two delegates; 251 to 500 members, three delegates; 501 to 1,000 members, four delegates; 1,001 to 1,500 members, five delegates; [[crossed out]] [[?]] [[/crossed out]] 1,501 to 2,000 members, six delegates; 2,001 to 2,500 members, seven delegates; 2,501 to 3,000 members, eight delegates; 3,001 to 4,000 [[crossed out]] delegates [[/crossed out]] members , nine delegates; and over 4,000 members, ten delegates, and each State or Regional Federation shall be entitled to one delegate having one vote: Provided, That affiliates joining the Federation [[crossed out]] affiliated [[/crossed out]] after the close of the fiscal year prior to the Convention shall be entitled to one delegate each, and affiliates joining the Federation [[crossed out]] affiliating [[/crossed out]] during the fiscal year preceding the convention shall have representation computed on the average of that fiscal year.

Section 4. No affiliate shall be represented by proxy. A delegate must be a resident member of the affiliate he represents; Provided, That two or more affiliates