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Article V
Officers and Comittees

Section 1. Officers. The officers of this Federation shall be a President. First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Sixth Vice-Presidents, and a Secretary-Treasurer. They shall be elected by written ballet on a majority vote of the delegates present at a Convention. When more than two candidates are nominated for one office and a majority vote is not obtained, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes shall be dropped until a majority vote is obtained. The terms of all officers shall be two years or until their successors are elected and duly qualified, which terms shall begin on the first day of October following the Convention unless any officer is soon recalled. 

[right margin] Why not elect one with largest vote? [/side margin]

Section 2. Executive Council. The officers of this Federation shall constitute the Executive Council.

Section 3. Trustees. The Executive Council shall elect three of its number to set as Trustees, [strikethrough] which Trustees [/strikethrough] who shall have charge of and administer the property of Federation, except as provided by Section 4, Article VI. 

Section 4. Eligibility. Not more than two resident members of any xxxxxxxxx [strikethrough] sha;; be eligible for election as officers of this Federation. No member shall be eligible for election as an officer [/strikethrough] reservation, city, or county outside of the exterior limits of reservations shall be eligible for election as officers of this Federation. No member shall be eligible for election as an officer if holding any type of political office or is a political appointee to any country, state, or national organization at the time of such election, unless he resigned from such office for the purpose of engaging in the active work of this Federation and since his separation been engaged continuously therein. 

[right margin] What is political office or political appointee? [/right margin]

Section 5. Auditing Committee. Each convention shall elect by a majority vote of the delegates present an Auditing Committee consisting of three members, whose