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Local Affiliates

Section 1. This Federation may have a local affiliate in each reservation, city, town, or county in which the Secretary-Treasurer grants a charter to be known under the title_________, and each affiliate shall, in addition, bear a number, in order of seniority as to the date of organization: Provided, That whenever in the judgement of the Executive Council it appears to be in the best interest of the Federation, additional local affiliates may be chartered in reservations, cities, town, and counties where local affiliates are already in existence.
The National Executive Council shall adjust all jurisdictional questions arising in localities having more than one local affiliate, and in making such adjustments the Executive Council shall fully consider the welfare of the national organization and the welfare of the _______ involved as well as the jurisdictional rights of the local affiliates concerned.
Section 2. An affiliate may be formed of _____ or more members of the United States in any locality.
Section 3. When desired, separate branches of an affiliate with the necessary officers may be formed and sub-chartered in the same reservation, municipality, or county, but all branches of any affiliate shall be under direct supervision of the general officers of said affiliate.
Section 4. Each application for charter for affiliates hereafter organized must be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer, accompanied by a charter fee of $____. [[strikethrough]] The application must be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer. [[/strikethrough]]
Section 5. When an affiliate has been organized the local secretary shall submit to the Secretary-Treasurer a complete list of the names and addresses of all members and the local affiliate shall forward to the Federation one-fourth of the initiation fees received.