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Article 1
Order of Business

Section 1. Calling the Convention to order.

1. Roll call of officers
2. Roll call of delegates
3. Report of Committee on Credentials
4. Appointment of committees
5. Report of officers
6. Reports of Auditing Committee
7. Reports of other committees
8. Unfinished business
9. Reports of standing Convention committees
10. New business
11. Naming of place of next Convention
12. Nomination and election of officers
13. Adoption of minutes
14. Adjournment

Section 2. The President shall appoint Committees on Credentials, Reports of Officers, By-Law, Constitution, Resolutions, Organization, Adjustment, and Miscellaneous Legislation. The Committees on Credentials shall examine the credentials of the delegates-elects and the alternates-elect and report thereon to the Convention. All resolutions presented to the Convention shall be re-ferred to the appropriate committee which shall consider them and report there-on with their recommendations to the Convention; the Committee on Reports of Officers shall consider such reports and report thereon for reference to approp-riate committees such portions of said reports as may require action by the Convention. The Committee on Organization shall consider the report of such measures as it deems feasible, with the view of enlarging the membership of the Federation. 
Section 5. At least one bulletin board shall be set up on which shall be listed the names of chairmen and committee members, place and time of committee meet-ings, such information to be kept current by committee chairmen.