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Section 2. The matter at issue, together with fair and concise brief showing the points both for against the proposition, shall be printed or written upon the ballot, and arranged so that voting can readily be done by sorting or marking "Yes" or "No," and a copy of the ballot shall be delivered personally or sent by mail to every member of the Union in good standing. When more than one question is submitted upon the same ballot, the arrange-ment shall be such that each question can be voted upon separately.

Section 1. This constitution may be amended at any meeting of the Union by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting; PROVIDED, That such amendment has been introduced not less than one month prior thereto at a regular meeting of the Union and that duo notice thereof has been given all members in good standing.

Article 1. 
Order of Business

Section 1. The order of business shall be as follows, unless suspended by a majority vote of the members present.
1. Calling the meeting to order. (At a closed meeting the President may in his direction require a proper officer or member to take up the password and report to the president.)
2. Roll call - - officers and representatives.
3. Reading of minutes of previous meeting.
4. Report of Membership Committee.
5. Voting on applications for membership.
6. Initiation of new members.
7. Installation of officers.
8. Reports of officers, delegates, and other committees.
9. Unfinished business.
10. Communications and bills.
11. New business.
12. Education or other program and plans for welfare of Local.
13. Adjournment.