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Article II - Membership

Section 1. Membership in the National Congress of American Indians shall be of three classes:

  a. Individual Memberships. Any person of Indian ancestry may become a member of the National Congress of American Indians.

  b. Chapter Membership. Any organization which shall certify to the eligibility of its members for national membership is eligible to chapter membership.

  c. Tribal Membership. Any bona fide Indian tribe is eligible to tribal membership.

Article III - Meetings

Section 1. The National Congress of American Indians shall hold an annual meeting.

Section 2. Representation.

  a. Each person holding individual membership shall be entitled to one vote.

  b. Each chapter shall be entitled to send its president or alternate as official representative with one vote.

  c. Each tribe shall be entitled to representation according to the following ratio: Three voting delegates for 25 - 2,499 members, and one additional delegate for each additional 1,000 members.

Article IV - Officers

Section 1. The officers of the National Congress of American Indians shall be a President, a first Vice-President, a second Vice-President, a Recording Secretary and a Treasurer duly elected by the National Congress of American Indians in convention.

Section 2. Term. The term of office of elected officials shall be three years, and no officer may be elected to succeed himself or herself.

Article V - Executive Council

Section 1. There shall be an executive council which shall have authority to act for the National Congress of American Indians between conventions. The Executive Council shall consist of the duly elected officers and fifteen councilmen also elected by the convention. The Councilmen shall serve for a term of three years, five to be elected at each convention. The Councilmen shall serve from the adjournment of the convention where they are elected until the adjournment of the convention where their successors are elected. A councilman may hold office for more than one term if elected to succeed himself (or herself). Women may serve on the council. No member shall hold more than one office at the same time.

Section 2. Power. The Executive Council shall exercise the following powers:
