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   b. Relationships with the Federal Government, tribal and individual, based on land tenure, including the guardian-ward relationships between the Federal Government and the Indians, federal police protection on Indian land, exemption of Indian land from taxation, etc.
   c. Status and guarantees under Indian treaties or agreements.
   d. Tribal assets, present or potential.
   e. Tribal self-government under the Indian Reorganization Act or under present departmental policy.
Section 2. The National Congress of American Indians shall support tribal members in good standing, including the Alaska Indians, in organized efforts to secure land or to quiet title to land and in other matters involving land tenure and title, land restoration or land settlement.
Article IV - Conventions
Section 1. The National Congress of American Indians shall hold an annual convention.
Section 2. Representation:
   a. Each person holding individual membership shall be entitled to attend and have one vote.
   b. Each chapter shall be entitled to send its president or alternate as official representative with one vote.
   c. Each tribe shall be entitled to representation according to the following ratio: Two voting delegates, and in addition one delegate for 25-2,499 members, and a delegate for each additional 1,000 members, but no more than ten delegates from any tribe.
Article V - Referendum
Section 1. All resolutions heretofore adopted by the National Congress of American Indians are hereby validated to form the organic law of the organization, and there shall be no departure from the policies enunciated in these resolutions nor shall any such resolutions enunciating new policies, proposed in convention or by the Executive Council, be adopted without a majority vote of tribal votes and popular votes, each type of votes being separately counted, in a referendum in which each member tribe shall be entitled to three tribal votes and to one popular vote for each of its enrolled members so that a majority in both the tribal votes and the popular votes, separately counted as required, will be necessary to carry a measure. The purpose of this provision is to provide a bicameral aspect to the legislation of the National Congress of American Indians on all important and vital issues similar to the manner in which legislation is considered and passed by the Congress of the United States but with adaptations appropriate to our circumstances.
Section 2. The Executive Council shall devise procedures for carrying out the referendum, and shall require each member tribe to make returns on the result of its poll within 60 days from the date of notification.
