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All expenses shall be paid by check issued upon receipt of voucher. All checks issued by the Treasurer of the National Congress of American Indians shall be countersigned by the President or some officer designated by the executive council. 

Section 3. Services. Only dues-paying members shall be entitled to such substantive services, including issues of the National Congress of American Indians Bulletin, Newsletter, legislative research for individual tribes, etc., as the National Congress of American Indians shall be able to provide.

Article X - Non-partisanship.

The National Congress of American Indians shall not engage in or lend itself to partisan political activity.

Article XI - By-Laws

Section 1. Duties of Officers.

a. The President shall preside at all conventions and meetings of the Executive Council. He shall appoint all committees unless otherwise ordered by the National Congress or the Executive Council.

b. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the responsibilities of the Presidency.

c. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all funds of the National Congress and shall be bonded by a surety company approved by the Executive Council in such amount as it may designate.

d. The Executive Director shall perform duties prescribed by the Executive Council and exercise powers delegated to such person by the Council.

Section 2. Order of Business. Conventions and Executive Council meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order and such other rules as may be approved by a majority vote of a convention of Executive Council meeting. 

Section 3. Amendments. The Constitution and By-Laws shall be amended by a majority vote of those present at any convention, provided that notice of proposed amendment has been sent 60 days before convening the Congress, except that a two-thirds vote of the total membership (tribal members not in attendance at the convention to be polled by ail) to be cast in accordance with the referendum procedures adopted under Section 2 of Article V shall be required for amendment of Section 1a of Article II and Article III. When an amendment has been adopted by an affirmative vote of the delegates present at the convention, it shall thereupon become effective.

Section 4. Adoption of Constitution. This Constitution and By-Laws, when adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Indian delegates present at a National Convention, shall become effective.

Certificate of Adoption

The foregoing Constitution and By-Laws was duly adopted on ____ at a National Convention held at ____, by a vote of the Indian delegates present.

(This is a proposed revision of the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Congress of American Indians. Drafted October 30, 1952).
