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Section 2. Powers. The Executive Council shall exercise the following powers:
   a. To organize for business and to regulate its own procedures
   b. To appoint (1) an Executive Director who must be a dues paying member of Indian ancestry, and (2) an attorney who preferably should be, but need not necessarily be, a dues paying member of Indian ancestry, each of whom shall serve as long as his or her services are satisfactory to assure continuity if policies and consistency of action.
   c. To fix such salaries of officers and subordinates as may be necessary.
   d. To appoint all subordinate personnel, committees, and representatives.
   e. To establish requirements for obtaining and holding membership in the National Congress, and to grant charters therefor.
   f. To accept gifts, bequest, and contributions from any source except from known subversive organizations or individuals.
   g. To appropriate funds of the National Congress for expenses of the officers, and for such other purposes as may be necessary for the successful conduct of the business of the National Congress or the Executive Council.
   h. To fill vacancies in an officership of the Executive Council for unexpired terms of office.
   i. Otherwise to speak and act for and on behalf of the National Congress of American Indians concerning its affairs, to implement and effectuate resolutions adopted, or to delegate such power to subordinate bodies and to the Executive Director.