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j. In genrel to carry out the purposes and mission of the National Congress of American Indians as proclaimed by this Constitution.
k. The Executive Council may for cause and by a two-thirds vote, terminate the term of office of any of its members, after an opportunity to be heard in personal hearing.
i. The Executive Council shall have power to expel individual members for cause for conduct or action deemed inimicable or contrary to the purposes of this organization, after an opportunity to be heard in personal hearing.
m. Upon appeal, action of the Executive Councilmen may be rescinded by the NCAI membership at the nest annual convention.

Section 3. Quorum. The quorom of the Executive Council shall be eight (8) members.

Nominations and Elections

Section 1. Nominations shall be made from the floor.
Section 2. The officers of the National Congress of American Indians shall be elected by the secret ballots of dues-paying members in good standing voting at the Annual Convention.
Section 3. Each person holding individual membership shall be entitled to attend and have one vote. Each chapter shall be entitled to representation with one vote. Each chapter shall be entitled to representation with one vote. Each tribe shall be entitled to from 10 to 18 votes depending on its size in accordance with the following table; said votes to be cast by official representative of each tribe.