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[[2 column table]]
| Size of Tribe | Number of Votes |
| not exceeding 500 | 10 |
| 501 to 1500 | 11 |
| 1501 to 2500 | 12 |
| 2501 to 3500 | 13 |
| 3501 to 4500 | 14 |
| 4501 to 5500 | 15 |
| 5501 to 6500 | 16 |
| 6501 to 7500 | 17 |
| over  7501 | 18 |

Dues and Expenses

Section 1. Dues

a. Individual membership dues shall be $3.00 per year.

b. Tribal membership dues shall be in accordance with the following tables:

[[2 column table]]
| Size of Tribe | Amount of Dues |
| Tribes numbering up to 2,500 members | $25.00 plus 5 cents per member additional |
| Tribes numbering up from 2501 to 25,000 | $125.00 plus 1 cent per member additional |
| Tribes numbering over 25,000 | $250.00 plus ½ cent per member additional |

c. Chapter membership dues shall be $25.00 per year.

d. Non-voting Associate Membership shall be $10.00 per year per person.

e. Non-voting Associate Organization  Membership shall be $25.00 per year.

Section 2. Expenses. All expenses incurred by the National Congress of American Indians shall be paid by the Treasurer as authorized by the Executive Director within the limitations of the budget approved by the Executive Council. All expenses shall be paid by check issued upon receipt of voucher.

Section 3. Services. Only dues-paying members shall be entitled to such substantive services, including issues of the National Congress of American Indians BULLETIN, Newsletter, legislative research for individual tribes, etc., as the National Congress of American Indians shall be able to provide.