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[[strikethrough]] 1. what's going to happen next year
2. Upon [[/strikethrough]]
#¶ The Ex Council meeting immediately following this convention shall be composed of the following: 
The 10 elected members of the Ex Council who still have unexpired terms of office
+ The Pres, 1st VP + 2nd VP + RS. elected at this convention
The Treas. [[strikethrough]] apt [[/strikethrough]] elected by the Ex Council
+ A [[underline]] represent [[/underline]] of each tribe which [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] is a tribal member, this rep to be selected by a caucus of the authorized tribal delegation here present at this convention except that if any tribal delegation feel it has no authority to designate a tribal representative that tribal member [[strikethrough]] may [[/strikethrough]] will not be represented.