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Page five

h. To adopt and determine upon policies on behalf of the organization, taking fully into account any relevant action of the annual convention.
i. To retain and agree upon compensation for such professional assistance as may be required.
j. to constitute committees for such purposes as it deems necessary.
[[strikethrough]] k. To affiliate with such other organizations or to permit their affiliation with NCAI, as will support the purposes of the organization, [[/stikethrough]]
l. In general to carry out the purposes and mission of the NCAI as proclaimed by the Constitution and to By-Laws
Section 4. Quorum. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5. [[strikethrough]] Referenda [[/strikethrough]] Special Actions. The Executive Council may act by mail ballot upon any matter within its power at any time between annual conventions upon [[strikethrough]] referendum directed by [[/strikethrough]] request of the Executive Committee, or upon petition [[strikethrough]] for a referendum [[/strikethrough]], stating the matter to be voted upon, signed by twenty per cent of the membership of the Executive Council.

Article VI--Executive Committee
Section 1. Selection of Executive Committee. During its first meeting which shall be held immediately following the national convention, the Executive Council shall choose an Executive Committee, which shall serve during the same term as the Executive Council. The Executive Committee shall consist of five members of the Executive Council, including the President who shall serve as Chairman. It may vote by mail or telegraph [[strikethrough]] or telephone [[/strikethrough]] addressed to the Chairman who shall certify [[the?] results to the Executive Director.
Section 2. Powers of the Executive Committee. During the interval between meetings of the Executive Council, the Executive Committee shall have full authority to act for the Executive Council in any way in which the Executive Council would be authorized to act, except that it is not authorized to