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of the
National Convention of American Indians


We, the members of the Indian Tribes of the United States of America in convention assembled at Chicago, Illinois, on the 26th day of May, 1944, in order to secure to ourselves and our descendants the rights, privileged and benefits to which we are entitled under the laws of the United States and the several states thereof; to revive, develop and preserve our cultural heritages; to assume our responsibility as American Citizens; to co-operate with all persons, organizations, governmental and other agencies seeking a fair, just and equitable adjustment of our tribal affairs; and to otherwise promote our common welfare--do establish this organization and adopt the following Constitution and By-laws.


The name of this organization shall be the American Indian Association.


Section 1. The following persons shall be eligible for membership in this organization:

(a) Any person enrolled on the official rolls of any Indian Tribe in the United States.

(b) Any person who is a descendant of an enrolled mentioned in subdivision (a) of this Section and Article, provided that such person is an Indian by blood.

(c) Any person who may establish his or her Indian ancestry in pursuance with rules and regulations established by the Council of the American Indian Association.

Section 2. Membership in this organization shall be obtained and held in pursuance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Council of the American Indian Association.


Section 1. The supreme governing body of this organization shall be the Council of the American Indian Association, which shall consist of members elected to represent districts that shall be defined and established by the Council.