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Section 2. Each district organization shall be entitled to representation in the Council of the American Indian Association on the basis of one representative for the first five hundred members or fraction thereof and an additional representative for each additional five hundred members.
Section 3. District representatives to the Council of the American Indian Association shall hold office for one year and shall be elected annually on the first Monday in August, provided that:
(a) All members of the district organizations, 21 years of age or over, shall be qualified electors and shall be entitled to vote in their respective districts.
(b) In cases of defaulted or voided elections, special elections may be held under rules and regulations prescribed by the Council of the American Indian Association.
Vacancies in any officership of the American Indian Association or district organization may be filled for the unexpired term by the Council at any regular or special meeting.
The Council may prescribe rules and regulations for the investigation of complaints of misfeasance or malfeasance in office and for removal from office of officers or members of the Council, provided that the accused shall be given a hearing and that a two-thirds vote of the Council shall be necessary to remove him from office.
Section 1. The officers elected by the members of the Indian Tribes of the United States in convention and assembled at Chicago, Illinois, on the 26th day of May, 1944, shall serve until the installation of officers elected under section 3 of Article IV of this Constitution.
Section 2. These officers shall constitute a committee which shall have the powers of a regularly elected council and shall have the authority to appoint district representatives to the Council who shall serve until the installation on Council members elected under Section 3 of Article V of this Constitution.