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h. To fill vacancies in any officership of the Executive Council for unexpired terms of office.

i. Otherwise to speak and act for and on behalf of the National Congress of American Indians concerning its affairs, to implement and effectuate resolutions adopted, or to delegate such power to subordinate bodies and to the Executive Director.

j. In general to carry out the purposes and mission of the National Congress of American Indians as proclaimed by this Constitution.

Section 2. Quorum. The quorum of the Executive Council shall be eight members.

Article VI - Nominations and Elections

Section 1. Nominations shall be made from the floor. All nominees must be of Indian ancestry and dues-paying members.

Section 2. The officers of the National Congress of American Indians shall be elected by standing vote.

Section 3. Each person holding individual membership shall be entitled to attend and have one vote. Each chapter shall be entitled to representation with one vote. Each tribe shall be entitled to representation according to the following stipulations:

a. The tribe must be in good standing as dues-paying members.

b. Each tribe having up to 500 members shall have two votes.

c. Each tribe will be entitled to one vote for each additional 1,000 members or fraction theroof.

d. In no instance shall any tribe or chapter be entitled to more than ten (10 votes).

e. Voting shall be by individual members present only.

Article VII - Dues and Expenses

Section 1. Dues

a. Individual membership shall be $5.00 per year.

b. Tribal or chapter membership shall be $25.00 per year.

c. Non-voting Associate Membership shall be $10.00 per year per person.

d. Non-voting Associate Organization Membership shall be $25.00 per year.